I think that every little kid these days has a special little toy or stuffed animal. Izze became really attached to a bunny a few months back and now it goes every where with us."Bunny" as we call it, is the perfect size for Izze. She sleeps with it and hugs it all day long. Well, one snowy day we were heading to Jill's house (her babysitter) and when we got to her house I relized that we forgot bunny...so I thought. Well, when I got home that night I thought that bunny would be right by the door where we had it last, but no bunny. So I called Jill and she still had not seen it, so I drove back to Jill's to see if maybe Bunny fell out of the car when we walked in to her house. But nothing! It was dark and the plow trucks had come by already.
That night as I put Izze to sleep she really didn't seem to care that Bunny was MIA, but the next morning was so very sad. She was in her crib lifting her blanket trying to find bunny. That is when I relized that she really does understand that she loves bunny. We went to the store and I was going to buy her any stuffed animal that she wanted but she wasn't having it. She didn't hug they others like she huged bunny. I was so sad for her. I grow up with a blanket and that thing came with me everywhere. I still have it, but it is in a chest. So I completely know what Izze was going through.
The next few days I went to 5 different Khols stores (That is where Grandma Jo got it for her). I was online looking for it on Ebay and every site possible. But nothing. So on Thursday I was done and came to the conclusion that I had to give up and stop. Later that afternoon, I get a text from Jill.....She found bunny. The only thing is....Bunny is no longer white. It was in a snow bank. I was so excited. We drove over to her house to get it. It was the sweetest thing in the world. Izze hugged Bunny and would not let it go. Bunny looks like a hot mess but we have it back...Thank God!
My advise to mom's out there is, if your child starts to like something like a stuffed animal, go by 2 or 3 of them just in case.
Yeah for Bunny!
I love bunny!!!!